Current Merewether Weather Conditions
Current Conditions
Temperature: 21.8°C (-1.3) Overcast
Humidity: 85 % (3)
Pressure: 1,010.0 hPa Rising Slowly
Today's Rain: 10.6 mm
Humidity: 85 % (3)
Pressure: 1,010.0 hPa Rising Slowly
Today's Rain: 10.6 mm
Today's Rain: 10.6 mm
High Temp Today: 26.7 °C at 09:40
Low Temp Today: 20.8 °C at 14:16
High Windspeed Today: 35 km/h at 13:44
Dew Point: 19.1°C (-0.7)
Heat Index: 21.8 °C
Wind: West at 0 km/h (-5)
Rainrate: 0.0 mm/h (0.0)
Solar Radiation: 0 W/m^2 Max: 995 at 13:15
UV Index: 0.0 Max: 7.1 at 13:14
Air Quality: 1.90 PM2.5 Max: 1.90 at 20:40
Last Time it Rained: Today (10.6 mm)
Rain This Month: 10.6 mm
Today Sunrise : 06:24 Sunset : 19:49 Daylight Hours: 13:25 |
Tomorrow Sunrise : 06:25 Sunset : 19:48 Daylight Hours: 13:22 |
Daily Weather Fact
The worlds greatest temperature range at a single location is 105°C (189°F), from minus 68°C (-90.4°F) to 37°C (98.6°F) recorded at Verkhoyansk, Siberia.
The worlds greatest temperature range at a single location is 105°C (189°F), from minus 68°C (-90.4°F) to 37°C (98.6°F) recorded at Verkhoyansk, Siberia.
Last update: 10 Feb 2025 20:40 (Figures in parentheses indicate hourly change)
Merewether Weather Daily Graphs

The best holiday units in Manning Point and the best holiday units in the Mid-North Coast, The Pines at the Point, Manning Point.