Merewether Weather, Merewether Tides and Solar Power Monitoring for Merewether, NSW, Australia - Newcastle Weather

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Vantage Vue Blown Away

By Mangrove Mike

 Last Friday we set a Wind Record of 76 km/h at our weather station at Merewether. I estimate that about 20 minutes after this record wind the rain collector of the Vantage Vue blew away! (It's the big black bit on the attached photo).

It's pretty big, about the size of a 4 litre paint tin, and is held into place with 4 plastic lugs that screw into a bayonet-like fitting. Either I didn't fix it correctly when I installed it, or the wind was so severe that it loosened it and the blew it away.

The good news is I found it in the neighbours yard and it wasn't too damaged. In a break in the storms on Saturday I re-installed it and all went together OK.  There looks like no damage to any other components and all over instruments worked OK for 15 hours that the rain guage was out.

I updated / corrected the rain figures and everything is now back to working order.