Getting Xtide working on Mac ServerDate:
Linux Code
The objective was to move my xtide code ( which was running on an old Fedora Linux box and get it running on my Mac Mini Server running OSX Server 10.6.5 . I contemplated using the Mac port put together by Lee-Ann Rucker ( put it didn't include the harmonics files from the entire world, so I decided to compile the native version. (I already had Xcode and the SDK installed so you *MAY* need to do this first). Essentially if you follow the instructions on the xtide site, although I did have to muck about with the compile switches to get it to compile. I downloaded the following files from libtcd-2.2.5.tar.bz2 1. Setup I did the installation under /usr/local as root.
Copy the harmonics files to
2. Install libtcd
read the README --> libtcd.html
(worked perfectly)
(some minor warnings like :
I probably should have read and followed the message:
but didn't although things worked out in the end. 3. Install Xtide
Create the file /etc/xtide.conf and make the first line the location of your harmonics files:
I then had a series of failures - predominately aroung a png library failure doing just ./configure and the successful one is below. the error was similar to: configure: error: cannot find png.h; try setting CPPFLAGS.
I then just generated the graphs and data required for the site, set it up in a cron job and that's what I'm using on the site.
Any luck getting this running on 10.7?
Posted by M, 03/07/2012 6:17:05 am
I haven't upgraded my Mac Mini to 10.7 yet. I haven't looked for a few months but originally there were quite a few problems with the USB-to-Serial drivers for the Weather Station. This in itself put a stop to the desire to upgrade. I'll give it a crack soon though (or maybe jump straight to Mountain Lion!).
Posted by Mangrove Mike, 03/07/2012 7:26:55 am